Since the early '50s, we have been operating in the sector of paper and cardboard recovery, and since 1994, we have been offering customised solutions to private businesses and public entities that internally effect separation of recoverable waste paper, providing rental containers of 1 to 30 cubic meters, press-compactors and press-containers.
Collection service is carried out by our trucks fitted with cranes and hookloaders or vans equipped with hydraulic tailgates for the replacement of containers (all totally self-sufficient for loading and unloading).
Our most important references are provided by approximately 200 companies, such as printing, lithography, bookbinding, box making, supermarkets, furniture making and paper industries. In addition, we provide the service of shredding confidential documents on behalf of public entities, accountants, solicitors and notaries public.
Copyright 2018 TURIN CARTA
P.I e C.F. 04909860019 - Iscritta alla CCIAA n° 669793 Imprese di TORINO
Capitale sociale: Euro 60.000 i.v.
Design and hosted Aries srl