Cables recovery

In 1980 at our plant in San Maurizio, we installed an ecological crushing system for electric cable that makes it possible to entirely recover both the metal they contain and the plastic to be used by us as raw material for the production of the PA.RI.EK. self-locking elements.

Another service that we provide for our clients (as an alternative to the purchase) is the working account for electrical cables.

Via Fatebenefratelli, 91
10077 San Maurizio Canavese (TO)
Tel. 011 9277292 - 9244109
Fax 011 9277310
C.F. e Partita IVA 04909860019
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Copyright 2018 TURIN CARTA
P.I e C.F. 04909860019 - Iscritta alla CCIAA n° 669793 Imprese di TORINO
Capitale sociale: Euro 60.000 i.v.
Design and hosted Aries srl